
Big Picture Vision Sets Priorities !

Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint;
 but blessed is he who keeps the law. Prov 29:18

As a first step in prioritizing your-

Mission Vision ask,
What % of our resources do we spend on
our own church programs vs.
Unreached/Bibleless People Groups ?
Total Budget = $____________
UPGs = $ _____________
% =  _____________?
Let me know your result ,OK?
Let's get strategic !
   Our  Goal  - Assist 5  churches in Sw Ont. To assign 5% of budget to UPG's



Maybe if we focussed on People Groups with no access to
God's Revelation  we would be  -speeding  up the Day of the Lord.?
11 Pet 3 :12, Mat. 24: 14

How do we fit into God's Timetable?
Maybe there is a group of people need you to 
bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to them.

Lets Talk about it! Send us a Message 
See our Contacts Page

Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada

Unreached People of the Day